Sustainability is at the heart of Drover. Our policy is as follows:
1. To manage emissions within the business to lowest possible level
2. To offset carbon any residual emissions with farmland and forestry initiatives
3. To work towards using vehicles with carbon efficient fuel technology / alternatives.
Forests sequester (or absorb) and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As an approximate guide it has been estimated that a single tree sequesters 25 kilos of carbon per annum, on average.
We hold 237 acres of mature spruce, scots pine, larch, silver birch, ash, hawthorn & English oaks.
To further our commitment to carbon initiatives, we have committed to planting 32 acres of woodland creation in the uplands of Nidderdale.
Holding 677 acres of rich grazing lands in the uplands of Nidderdale in Yorkshire, we are making a difference to management practices and wildlife.
Traditional hill farming practices are low intensity which means our landscapes qualify for an array of DEFRA environmental schemes. Management of becks & other waterways, infield trees, infield barns, till levels, phosphate levels, dry stone walling, species rich legumes, bat and owl boxes
Some compartments have been removed from farming allowing nature to recondition the land further for wildlife. Here you will see English partridge, Lapwing, Curlew, Barn Owls, Pheasants, Roe Deer and an array of raptors.
Our wildlife ranger latest initiative has been the installation of 60 bee hives on alongside the moor. This initiative not only produces delicious heather honey, but also assists in the pollination processes important in the re-seeding of heather on the moor.